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Congratulations to Olha Kovalchuk

  • Reiter
© Olha Kovalchuk ​/​ TU Dortmund
Final occupation of the excited state in a two-level system after optical excitation with two chirped pulses

Olha Kovalchuk finishes her Bachelor thesis in the Reiter group

We congratulate Olha Kovalchuk on successfully completing her Bachelor thesis on the topic: “Two-Level-System Dynamics Driven by Off-Resonant Pulse Pairs: Investigating Chirped Pulses”

Already from the Swing-UP of quantum EmitteR (SUPER) scheme, we know that two pulses can be better than one. But what happens, if you also add chirp to these pulses?

That was the question Olha was pursuing in her Bachelor thesis. She studied the dynamics of a two-level system driven by two pulses with chirp. A single chirped pulse leads to a population inversion of the system via adiabatic rapid passage. This mechanism is rather robust against fluctuations in many parameters including the detuning. Therefore, only for high detuning single pulses do not lead to any occupation of the excited state after the pulse.

Using the toolbox of QuTip, in her thesis Olha simulated the dynamics of two pulses. She found that some improvement can be made by combining the pulses, for example lower pulse areas, that means less power, could become feasible. However, she also found that in most cases a single chirped pulse is already enough.

Her results shed new light on the optical control of quantum emitters in the quest of finding the perfect single photon source.