Research Topics
Prof. Dr. Frithjof B. Anders
- decoherence and dissipation
- spin dynamics and nuclear polaron formation in periodically pulsed quantum dot ensembles
- non-equilibirum dynamics close to quantum phase transitions
- time-dependent numerical renormalization group
- steady-state currents in interacting nano-devices
- Kondo-hole physics and bound states in correlated lattice systems
- defect structures in graphene
- inelastic tunneling spectroscopy in STM
- transport through coupled quantum dots
- local quantum critical phenonmena
- dynamical mean field theory
- non-Fermi-liquid behavior and magnetism in heavy-fermion compounds
- coherent control and spin noise in semi-conductor quantum dots
PhD positions are availble. Please fiel free to contact Prof. Anders for further information.
One PostDoc position for applying NRG to quantum transport in a DFG funded project is open as well.
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Ute Löw
- strongly correlated quantum spin systems
- spin phonon coupling
- strong magnetic fields
- quantum Monte-Carlo methods
- density matrix renormalization group
- exact diagonalisation
- quantum computing