Thesis Projects
Different projects for bachelor, master and PhD thesis are available
For the theoretikum, different numerical simmulation projects are offered
- Classical simmulation of quantum annealing
- Massive parallel semiclassical approach to the spin dynamics in the central spin model
- Implementation of a quantum jump algorithm for open quantum systems
Bachelor Thesis
Ladungsinduzierte gebundene Zuständen in einer NTCDA Schicht auf einer Silber Oberfläche
Spektralfunktion für ein Quantenpunkt gekoppelt an zwei Zuleitungen
Cavity Quantenelektrodynamik im Limes starker Kopplung
Dynamik kleiner Quantensysteme in periodischen Feldern
Master Thesis
Quantumtransport through a quantum dot: combination of of ED or NRG with Bloch-Redfield approaches to open quantum systems
Entropy of Strongly Coupled Quantum Dot: Feedback from a quantum point contact
non-equilibrium dynamics induced by THZ pulses on strongly correlated electron 4d or 5f systems
PhD Thesis
there are PhD positions available. Good knowledge in many-body theory, preferably the numerical renormalization group approach, is needed. Areas of reseach are
- non-linear response of correlated systems to THZ waves
- forbidden d-d transitions
- quantum transport through nano-devices
- STM theory
- Dynamical mean field theory and odd-frequency superconductivity