International students for internships at the CMT
- Fauseweh
- Reiter

Visiting Germany and learning about cutting-edge quantum technologies is a goal for many international students. This summer, this goal became a reality for two exceptional students from India and Turkey.
Fizaan Khan from the Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University) in Varanasi, India, joined the Fauseweh group in May for a two-month internship. He is gaining knowledge about quantum computing while also enjoying his time in Germany.
Tuna Özdür from Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Middle East Technical University) in Turkey joined the Reiter group in June for a three-month stay, just in time for the European Football Championship. He obtained an Erasmus+ scholarship from the European Union to be trained in quantum physics simulations.
Student exchanges play a crucial role in enriching the lives and careers of participants like Fizaan and Tuna. Such opportunities not only deepen the understanding of quantum technologies, but also broaden the cultural perspectives. We are happy to host Fizaan and Tuna here in Dortmund.