Our research group is constantly offering theses on the Bachelor, Master and PhD level. On the Bachelor level, the topics are close to known results in scientific literature while already on the Master level novel questions are addressed with established methods or novel methods are developped. On the PhD level, the student is given a topic and a point of entry to this topic with the goal to become an expert on this particular issue at the leading edge of research. Of course, she or he will be constantly supervised and supported in this endeavor by the head of the group and the other members of the research group!
For this reason, the possible topics are constantly evolving and no specific problems can be given here. Students interested in pursuing a Master or a PhD thesis in our group should have a look at the Research Topics. Students interested in a Bachelor theses get a flavor of possible topics by the list given in the "Topics Offered page". The presentation of the research group (in German) indicates useful capabilities for doing theoretical research which may offer some guidance.