PhD Defense of Gary Schmiedinghoff
Applications and Extensions of Flow Equations to Closed and Open Quantum Systems
Student talk of Lars Langerbein
Seminar Talk of Dr. Hosein Cheraghchi (Damghan University)
Talk in the CMT Seminar about Floquet states and optical conductivity of irradiated topological insulators
PhD Defense of Mohsen Yarmohammadi
Non-equilibrium dynamics of a driven-dissipative dimerized spin-1/2 chain
Seminar Talk of Hendrik Trojan, B.Sc.
Luttinger Flüssigkeit
Seminar Talk of Bilal Hawashin, B.Sc.
Replica Symmetry Breaking
Seminar Talk of Dr. Benedikt Fauseweh (German Aerospace Center)
Discovering Dynamical Quantum Matter with Quantum Computers
Seminar Talk of Mona Kalthoff, M.Sc. (Max-Planck Institut für Struktur und Dynamik der Materie)
Nonequilibrium phase transition in a driven-dissipative quantum antiferromagnet
Seminar Talk of Dr. Krzysztof Wójcik (Institute of Molecular Physics Polish Academy of Science)
Kondo-stabilized spin-liquid phase of 2 impurities